Beautiful piece!

One minor correction - on the Saturday night of Woodstock (August 16, 1969), Led Zeppelin were playing 'right down the road' at the Asbury Park Convention Hall, with Joe Cocker opening. Obviously Joe somehow made it up to Bethel for his career-launching performance on Sunday the 17th, and Led Zep headed over to Connecticut, then up to Toronto.

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Thanks Hugh — and you're correct, they did play Friday in Texas, but then shot up Northeast (I amended the post with a link to their site's tour timeline). Interesting that Springsteen had a 3-night residency with his early band Child that weekend in Asbury Park, too, so I guess he missed the early chance to see Zep (apparently his bandmates in Child wanted to head up to Bethel for the festival, but they honored their boss' gig).

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Helluva read, Will.

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hey thanks Joe!

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